CAI-Channel Islands Celebrates 600 Chapter Members... And Growing!

The June 28th Chapter Luncheon celebrating \"600 Members... And Growing\" will be one to remember! It was such a great opportunity to recognize our ch

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Thank you to CAI-National

Thank you to the National organization of Community Associations Institute for your partnership in helping us reach 600 Chapter Members! Thank you to

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Please Call Your Senator to Vote YES on AB 1799 TODAY

Once more, your assistance in helping AB 1799 pass a key legislative vote is needed … by 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday when the Senate Judiciary Committee will

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CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Reaches 600 Members!

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter recently reached another growth milestone – “600 members strong and growing”! But it's really more than just growing our n

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CAI-CLAC News - Take a brief survey for AB 1799

Before voting, legislators need to see how much money is being spent on elections unnecessarily, such as when there are more open association board se

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Should HOA board sue an ex-director who used association funds for a condo upgrade?

Interesting read from the Los Angeles Times... By Donie Vanitzian Question: Our association recently elected a new board of directors an

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